Welcome to the Generative Zoo, a collection of (so far) 27 diverse models aggregated in one repository. Our main objectives are:
This repository is designed to grow, continually incorporating new models and advancements in generative modeling, with a big focus on Computer Vision tasks.
To ensure consistency and usability across all models in the Generative Zoo, the following implementation rules were defined:
The GenerativeZoo framework currently aggregates a total of 27 models spanning 4 distinct generative model families and 9 different model types, reflecting the breadth of approaches in modern generative modeling. These include Latent Variable Models (VAEs, GANs, and Diffusion Models), Score-based Models (Score Matching and Flow Matching), Autoregressive Models, and Flow-based Models. The table below provides a summary of the models implemented in the Generative Zoo.
Model Family | Model Type | Model | Source |
Latent Variable | VAE | Vanilla VAE | arXiv |
Conditional VAE | OpenReview | ||
Hierarchical VAE | arXiv | ||
GAN | Adversarial VAE | arXiv | |
DC-GAN | arXiv | ||
Conditional GAN | arXiv | ||
CycleGAN | arXiv | ||
Prescribed GAN | arXiv | ||
Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty | arXiv | ||
Diffusion Models | DDPM | arXiv | |
Conditional DDPM | arXiv | ||
Diffusion AE | arXiv | ||
Stable Diffusion | Stable Diffusion + LoRA | arXiv | |
ControlNet | arXiv | ||
InstructPix2Pix | arXiv | ||
Score-based | Score Matching | SGM | arXiv |
NCSNv2 | arXiv | ||
Flow Matching | Flow Matching | arXiv | |
Conditional Flow Matching | arXiv | ||
Rectified Flows | arXiv | ||
Autoregressive | Transformer | VQ-VAE + Transformer | arXiv |
VQ-GAN + Transformer | arXiv | ||
PixelCNN | PixelCNN | arXiv | |
Flow-based | Normalizing Flows | Vanilla Flow | arXiv |
RealNVP | arXiv | ||
Glow | arXiv | ||
Flow++ | arXiv |
You can implement your own dataloaders, but the following ones are already provided in the zoo, as well as tools to automatically download the datasets or instructions on how to get them.
Grayscale Datasets | RGB Datasets |
FashionMNIST | CIFAR-100 |
ChestMNIST++ | SVHN |
OctMNIST++ | Places365 |
PneumoniaMNIST++ | DTD |
TissueMNIST++ | TinyImageNet |
Horse2Zebra | |
ImageNet-1K |
author = {Francisco Caetano},
title = {GenerativeZoo: A Model Zoo for Generative Models},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/caetas/GenerativeZoo}},
year = {2024},